Dear fellow community member,
As our community grows, there are numerous opportunities for us to join in celebration!
We would like to introduce you to a simple new concept in collecting funds for such occasions via the Semahot initiative.
While a simha - a milah, a bar-mitzvah, or a wedding - is a tremendously joyous occasion for the family, for many it is also a source of great stress. The cost of raising a family in our community continues to rise, and the added and often unexpected financial pressures that semahot and their associated costs bring, can push overtaxed budgets far past their breaking points. With these costs weighing on the minds of parents, the elation felt at momentous occasions is often marred with financial anxiety.
If given the opportunity, we would all want to help our friends celebrate their happy times with complete peace of mind. Unfortunately, the sums needed just seem too great a financial burden for any one individual to bear.
The Semahot initiative was created to give all community members the opportunity to assist their friends who are struggling with these huge costs and to help alleviate some of the financial pressures associated with making a simha and its associated costs.